South Africa & Namibia

From the 19th of April until the 5th of May 2019

Back in the day, my best buddy Maarten and I were rather fanatic at indoor climbing and we always talked about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro before we became thirty. As time progressed we more and more realised this wouldn't be a comfortable trip nor a cheap one and rather touristy. More importantly, this mountain is also not the most interesting from a herpetological point of view. Why not do a roadtrip instead? We quickly came up with Namibia as the perfect destination to do so. While we were checking the incredibly expensive flights we soon decided to include South Africa in our plan. It was just a little cheaper to fly to Cape Town and rent a car there, and besides, this would also allow us to see a whole range of other interesting species of amphibian and reptile. 

Sadly there was a record drought in Namibia as also this article testifies, meaning it wouldn't be easy herping here. 

All images © Bobby Bok (unless stated otherwise)

19th of April 2019

A day before the trip we learned that our flight got cancelled, not the sort of news to make you very enthusiastic but the bad news was followed by some pretty sweet news. We got a direct flight to Cape Town instead of a stopover in Paris. We would even arrive a little earlier. Nice! After breakfast in the Gold Lounge we hopped on the plane and after 11,5h we were on African soil. Collecting the rental car took ages but finally we arrived in the Wish U Were Here Lodge just outside the city centre of Cape Town. There was a warm shower and a comfortable bed and with the wind raging on outside it was a cozy stay here.

South Africa - Western Cape

20th of April 2019

We set off early to drive to the Cape of Good Hope. We encountered a lot of roadblocks and had to undertake massive detours while driving incredibly slow. Seemingly endless hordes of people were running all in the same direction without any sign of prey they were chasing or apex predator on their heels. Very weird. We did arrive there eventually and first visited the famous Boulders Beach. There we saw our first reptile of the trip, Southern Rock Agamas (Agama atra) basking on the rocks while Four-striped Grass Mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) were foraging at the base of these rocks. However, the main attraction were the African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus) which were plentiful and a lot of fun to observe. Soon the tourists  came pouring in though and we retreated to quieter places. In Cape Point National Park we did some sightseeing while seeing more Southern Rock Agamas and a great many Black Girdled Lizards (Cordylus niger) basking on the rocks. In the afternoon we set out to meet new South African amigo Andries and immediately hiked up the eastern slopes of Table Mountain. There we searched for one of the most endangered frogs in the world, the Table Mountain Ghost Frog (Heleophryne rosei). This species is confined to steep gorges with high annual rainfall, it is adapted to life in and around fast-flowing streams and the construction of dams on top of the Table Mountain threatens their habitat. We searched along one of the few streams where the species is known to occur and found surprisingly little. A Cape River Frog (Amietia fuscigula) was the first amphibian to turn up but otherwise it was eerie quiet. While having a small break and talking about how slim our chances of finding this species were, suddenly Andries pointed at the rocky wall behind us and exclamated he is seeing one. Hero points for Andries! What a stunning frog to see in the wild. While hiking down we turned up another target species, a Cape Velvet Worm (Peripatopsis capensis) but sadly we didn't have the time to properly photograph it as the gates of the parking would close soon. After searching in vain for Rain Frogs at a city park full of human excrements and Marbled Leaf-toed Geckoes (Afrogecko porphyreus) we had a delicious greasy dinner at Steers. At the outskirts of Cape Town we quickly turned up another target species and found several Cape Dwarf Chameleons (Bradypodion pumilum) sleeping in the bushes next to a busy road. 

Cape Point NP (click to enlarge)
Cape Point NP (click to enlarge)

21st of April 2019

An early morning where we first picked up Andries again and immediately drove towards West Coast National Park. A vast stretch of coastal fynbos vegetation where we also encountered our first big wildlife such as Eland (Taurotragus oryx) and Ostriches (Struthio camelus). At several viewpoints throughout the park we saw a wide variety of reptile species. The first reptile I found was a tiny snake species I was really hoping to see; the Spotted Harlequin Snake (Homoroselaps lacteus). But it was mostly thanks to Andries' amazing energy levels we saw quite a number of fossorial species such as Black Thread Snake (Leptotyphlops nigricans), Delalande's Beaked Blind Snake (Rhinotyphlops lalandei), Cape Legless Skink (Acontias meleagris) and Gronovi's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (Scelotes gronovii). But we also got to see more terrestrial species such as a tiny Angulate Tortoise (Chersina angulata), Striped Pygmy Gecko (Goggia incognita), Herald Snake (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia) and Spotted Skaapsteker (Psammophylax rhombeatus) making it a rather successfull day! Moreover we saw some interesting birds and my favourite was an African Spoonbill (Platalea alba) of which I didn't manage to take a picture sadly. While driving towards the exit of the park Andries and I simultaneously shouted "Chameleon"! We stopped the car, ran back and on the tarmac was one of the most amazing chameleons I have ever seen, a Western Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodion occidentale)! We quickly took some pictures as we helped this individual of the road and drove out of the park before closing time. There Andries introduced us to the South African quality dining experience that is called Wimpy. Quality food for a quality day. Back at Andries' place we had a small search around his house and saw several Cape Dwarf Chameleons, a little too high up to take pictures though. 

South Africa - Northern Cape

22nd of April 2019

A long drive was ahead of us so Maarten and I got up early and drove the 700km up north. Along the way we stopped at several rocky outcrops to search for Armadillo Girdled Lizard but we were in no such luck. We did see several Ocellated Sand Lizards (Pedioplanis lineoocellata), Spotted Sand Lizards (Meroles suborbitalis) Southern Rock Agama, Variegated Skink (Trachylepis variegata) and Western Rock Skinks (Trachylepis sulcata). We arrived a little before sunset and searched at some dunes near our accommodation. Rather windy and not warm at all but we did find several Austen's Dune Geckos (Pachydactylus austeni). After dumping our luggage at the accommodation and a warm meal at the only restaurant that was open in Port Nolloth we went again into the dunes. Nightfall didn't increase the temperatures so activity was very limited. We did come across some funny looking tracks and it didn't take us long until we found the creatures leaving these tracks, several Desert Rain Frogs (Breviceps macrops) were foraging on the path! Our very first Rain Frogs so we were two happy lads. A small round at a local wasteland resulted in several Western Dwarf Chameleons but only juveniles and subadults.

23rd of April 2019

After a nice warm brekkie in the lodge we searched the dunes around town again but didn't discover any tracks, in fact the only lizards active were some very fast Knox's Desert Lizards (Meroles knoxii). After grocery shopping at the local Spar and a parking lot lunch we drove in the direction of Springbok. Along the way we stopped at a known spot for Armadillo Girdled Lizard but it got very hot very quickly and lizard activity was very limited. We did get to see another lizard species I had really hoped to see and Maarten discovered a very pretty Western Sandveld Lizard (Nucras tessellata) crawling around and basking. But then the heat forced the lizard to retreat underground and us to retreat to the swimming pool at the hotel. After some cold beverages, a dip with one foot in the freezing pool and a warm dinner we hit the road for some roadcruising. We only just started when a police car pulled us over and around eight officers starting to asking us questions as to what we where doing and why we were driving around at night. A great start of any evening... We did manage to shake them of this time but the evening was jinxed and the only finds were a Quartz Gecko (Pachydactylus latirostris) and a freshly killed Many-horned Adder (Bitis cornuta). A small round around the hotel delivered many Paradise Toads (Vandijkophrynus robinsoni) but little else. After watching the latest Game of Thrones episode we went to bed a little disappointed. 

24th of April 2019

After a sleepless night with many toilet visits we had breakfast in the hotel and drove to the rocky outcrops again which looked so good for Armadillo Girdled Lizards. Again we didn't manage to find that species despite carefully scanning all the surrounding rocky areas with the binoculars. We did see several Western Rock Skinks, Karoo Girdled Lizards (Karusaurus polyzonus) and Southern Rock Agamas. Having a stomach flu in combination with the increasing heat wasn't the biggest fun I ever had so we decided to drive back to the hotel and relax a bit at the pool or in bed. We did get to see a Cape Gray Mongoose (Galerella pulverulenta) cathing a dove while we were relaxing at the pool. After dinner I started feeling a little better and we again hit the roads. Also now it took the police less than half an hour to stop us again and this time perform the first thorough search of us, the car and our luggage. We told them we are only looking for animals to photograph and with some reluctance they let us go again. The evening was less productive than the day before and with a single Bibron's Tubercled Gecko (Chondrodactylus bibronii) the evening wouldn't go down the books as magic. 

25th of April 2019

A small round around the hotel delivered only a single dead Speckled Padloper (Chersobius signatus), a species I would have loved to see alive. Moreover we should have left the hotel earlier because the moment we hopped in the car a big delegation of police vehicles arrived. These guys really had a hard time to distinguish poachers from amateur herpetologists and they turned the whole car ( and all our stuff) upside down. Looking into the tooth-paste, feeling the seams of all our clothes and photographing everything we had with us including our schedule for the upcoming days. With every item I had with me they tried to put words in my mouth about poaching reptiles and they could "clearly see" I had used my pocket knife to crack open rocky crevices to reach lizards. The whole situation was crazy and only after two hours of explaining I am only interested in photography and observing these animals they let us go. One of them gave us a nice warning and told us when we would be back in Springbok he would shoot us in the foot and feed us to the lions. Welcome to the Northern Cape... We decided to make the most of our day and quickly drove of to Augrabies National Park. There at least our target species was easy to see and Augrabies Flat Lizards (Platysaurus broadleyi) were crawling all over the rocks in shaded places. This species is strikingly coloured and the densities make it a true sight to behold. I first learned about this species from all time hero David Attenborough and it was great to see these enchanting little dragons in the flesh. We spent quite some time with them but also decided to see a bit more of the park and drove west in search of bigger game. Not for long we spotted a small herd of Southern Giraffes (Giraffa giraffa) crossing the road. An amazing sight to see these graceful animals in these beautiful surroundings. Giraffes have been split into four distinct subspecies not that long ago so this also meant a new mammal tick for me. Here you can read more about the different species. Other species we saw were the omnipresent Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis) and South African Oryx (Oryx gazella). The Vervet Monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) were a pain in the ass and within seconds they already stole some crisps from the car when we set up camp. After a tasty cheeseburger (like every day) we chased some geckoes on the rocks around the waterfalls and found Bibron's Tubercled Gecko, Haacke's Thick-toed Gecko (Pachydactylus haackei), tadpoles of Marbled Rubber Frog (Phrynomantis annectens) and calling Angola River Frogs (Amietia angolensis) in the distance. 

The stunning Orange River Gorge. Habitat of the Augrabies Flat Lizard (click to enlarge).
The stunning Orange River Gorge. Habitat of the Augrabies Flat Lizard (click to enlarge).

26th of April 2019

We got up early to make more pictures of the Augrabies Flat Lizards and again enjoyed their great densities. We also got to see some distant Klipspringers (Oreotragus oreotragus), many Rock Hyrax and an overflying African Darter (Anhinga rufa). Blissfully anaware of what was waiting for us we drove out of the gate because of the long drive that awaited us. There we were pulled over, yet again. Another park official was waiting for us being informed by his colleagues in Springbok and the whole car was being searched yet another time. All our luggage was thoroughly scrutinized and all clean laundry ended up in the dust for a fresh layer. We couldn't really talk to these people because yet again: "everything you say will be used against you". The friendly officer wanted to prosecute us for entering a national park with a snake stick, or I had to hand it over. Again, not really able to discuss this matter it was an easy choice and we drove towards the border. One of the tyres of the car was getting a little deflated so a quick stop at a workshop revealed a rusty nail. At the border things went smooth until we went to pay the mandatory road taxes. In the tax office there was a little note laying around with our license plate number written on it. You guessed it, there was again police waiting for us! This time with an even more thorough search which costed us an additional two whole hours. "Just a regular check for drugs" the police officer claimed. When we finally drove the hell out of there, there was again a police stop after half an hour. When the police said you can go, they forgot to mention we still have to pay the flippin road taxes. So we drove back half an hour in not the best possible mood... I already informed the campsite we would be late (learning from my previous experiences). At Keetmanshoop there was a Wimpy to save the day and after a burger we pitched the tent underneath the starry sky and didn't really feel like herping anymore. 

Namibia - Quiver Tree Forest

27th of April 2019

After the usual brekkie of bananas and Kitkat we wandered into the Quiver Tree Forest. It isn't really a forest, more a small patch of land with a large amount of Quiver Trees (Aloidendron dichotomum). Although the forest itself is nice, a hike through it doesn't take much time and after taking pictures of the Quiver Trees, Rosy-faced Lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis) and Rock Hyrax we also didn't feel like staying much longer as we had quite a drive awaiting us. 

Namibia - Sossusvlei

27th/28th of April 2019

The road is long and full of terrors. With our crappy Toyota Avanza we completely destroyed one of the tyres not long after we left the safety of the tarmac. We also found out the jack (which the rental company claimed would be in the car) wasn't where it was supposed to be. Luckily two American girls we met earlier at the border offered a helping hand and were much better equipped than we were. Along the road we did see a lot of wildlife including the omnipresent Oryx, Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) and Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra). Shortly before sunset we finally arrived at the campsite and bought a new spare tyre (actually the only one which was left in the only shop). After a dip in the pool, a chat with some friendly South Africans and a luxurious meal at the Sossusvlei Lodge we went out. Around the Desert Quiver Camp we searched the whole evening. This was an interesting looking place but even better, we were allowed to search here as the rest of the whole area was fenced and we felt a bit observed to say the least. It was still incredibly warm but we only found several Giant Ground Geckos (Chondrodactylus angulifer), Bibron's Tubercled Gecko, several Black-backed Jakhals (Canis mesomelas) and a cheeky Bat-eared Fox (Otocyon megalotis) which didn't want to be photographed.

We got up early to beat the masses to the famous Deadvlei but noticed our car had again a rather flat tyre. A fix in the workshop delayed our plans considerably and by the time we drove through the famous Sossusvlei we weren't alone anymore. The scenery was certainly beautiful but with the amounts of people we witnessed Maarten and I were both eager to leave again. Our only herpetological finding was a small Shovel-snouted Lizard (Meroles anchietae). The moment we approached the gates of the national park there were two police cars arriving at the scene. First they pretended to also search the other cars but we knew why they were here. Of course we were asked to pull over and yes, all our stuff was turned upside down again. They assured us it was a regular check and they were just checking if we didn't take anything. Something like sand or so. I showed them the amount of sand in my boots and told them I was smuggling sand which they found funny. I also asked them why the other cars didn't get checked (just ours) to which they had the simple explanation that those cars were too big to search. Of course they didn't find anything in our vehicle so we were on our merry way again.

Namibia - Swakopmund

28th/29th of April 2019

A long drive awaited us through beautiful desert scenery but on terrible roads. Luckily after passing the famous Solitaire pitstop it got a bit better and we could get some kilometers under our belt. At the last stretch of road before Swakopmund we had the towering sanddunes of the Namib on our right and the setting sun into the Atlantic Ocean on our left. Bliss. We quickly checked in at the Swakopmund Adventure Village after which we ate a pizza in the car. We tried to enter the desert from different roads but there were many constructions going on and the places we wanted to visit seemed no more. We tried different roads but the result was always the same. No chance to enter anywhere. We had to admit defeat and went back to the accommodation.

In the morning we ventured into the dunes with local herping legend Tommy. We first started to herp along the old German railway where we quickly turned up Reticulated Desert Lizard (Meroles reticulatus) and Common Namib Day Gecko (Rhoptropus afer) alongside our first snake of the day in the form of a Horned Adder (Bitis caudalis). The sandy habitats of the Namib dunes are a bit more tricky to herp in, but following tracks in the sand we could find our second snake target of this area and a small Namib Dwarf Adder (Bitis peringueyi) was seen hiding in a small bush. When we drove towards the coast we suddenly spotted another main target as a Namaqua Chameleon (Chamaeleo namaquensis) was crossing the road right in front of us. So amazing to see this species finally in the wild! As a child I was already fascinated by chameleons and ever since finding out about the excistence of a desert chameleons I knew I had to see this species in the wild one day. The chameleon was awfully relaxed and posed willingly for pictures. We also saw a whole array of interesting desert invertebrates and a small group of Tractrac Chats (Emarginata tractrac). In the afternoon we picked up lunch in Swakopmund, collected our permits for the Namib-Naukluft National Park and drove deeper into the desert. It was really hot but our main target here was a rather sure shot and we saw many Welwitschias (Welwitschia mirabilis). During a picnic we spotted our only reptile and saw a big Western Three-striped Skink (Trachylepis occidentalis) scurrying amonst the sparse vegetation. In the evening we had again a tasty pizza but this time ate indoor at the bar where we met some interesting people. Afterwards we landed in bed with a beer and an Ipad to watch the latest Game of Thrones and had a nerve-wrecking 80 minutes of watching the Battle of Winterfell unfold. Perfect ending to a perfect day!

Dense fog rolling in from the Atlantic Ocean, being the lifeline of the Namib Desert (click to enlarge).
Dense fog rolling in from the Atlantic Ocean, being the lifeline of the Namib Desert (click to enlarge).

30th of April 2019

Our first stop of the day was a small section of the Skeleton Coast where we had great views on a shipwreck and a massive Cape Fur Seal (Arctocephalos pusillus) colony. Also many Black-backed Jakhal were roaming around here. 

Cape Fur Seal colony at Cape Cross (click to enlarge).
Cape Fur Seal colony at Cape Cross (click to enlarge).

Namibia - Brandberg

30th of April 2019

The drive to the Brandberg was long but luckily the roads weren't as horrible as around Sossuvlei. In the hottest part of the day we got the long drive under our belts and had some time to relax at the swimming pool of the White Lady Lodge. The setting sun made temperatures more endurable for reptiles and several Leopard Tortoises (Stigmochelys pardalis) were grazing on the premises. The dinner was amazing and we soon ventured into the darkness to look for more animals. The coolest find was Marbled Rubber Frog (Phrynomantis annectens). One of the few amphibians eeking out a living in this unforgiving landscape. Funny little frogs that run like mad when disturbed. Other finds were Large-scaled Geckoes (Pachydactylus scutatus), Boulton's Namib Day Geckoes (Rhoptropus boultoni) and Bibron's Tubercled Geckoes (Chondrodactylus bibronii). In the surrounding planes we saw many heads of Spotted Barking Geckoes (Ptenopus garrulus) sticking out of their burrows but photographing one proved very difficult. Maarten went to bed while I tried to find a barking gecko outside its den and walked further into the plains and the dry riverbed. Newly made catfriend Angel followed me around everywhere and had more luck in catching a barking gecko than I did. This meant I could finally photograph one of these unusual geckoes! Realizing it probably isn't the best idea to walk alone in an area with lions and elephants I hiked back to our tent with even more cats in my wake. 

1st/2nd of May 2019

During breakfast we were amazed by the sight of hundreds of Namaqua Sandgrouse (Pterocles namaqua) flying over and stopping for a drink at one of the waterholes near the lodge. Two African Hawk-eagles (Aquila spilogaster) were continuously swooping down trying to catch one of these swift and strong flyers. We sat down in the shade, marvelling at this spectacle with a cigarette in hand. Afterwards we hiked through the dry Tsisab riverbed in some mesmerizing scenery. We had great views on the highest point of Namibia and on some really old rockpaintings estimated to be 2000 years old. Namib Rock Agamas (Agama planiceps) and Boulton's Namib Day Geckoes were a common sight all along the way. The hottest hours of the day were again spent relaxing at the pool. In the afternoon we drove around a bit to enjoy the scenery of this enchanting place and found many Wedge-snouted Skinks (Trachylepis acutilabris) running around. The evening search yielded largely the same species as the previous night only this time I found a Western Thread Snake (Namibiana occidentalis) crawling around.

The next day we were hoping for the same sand grouse spectacle but didn't have the same luck. We drove of and while going through one of the many dry riverbeds I suddenly saw a massive grey shape moving slowly towards the road. Naturally we stopped and couldn't believe our luck as one of the few remaining Desert Elephants (Loxodonta africana) was crossing the road just behind our car.

Tsisab riverbed. Usually at this time of year it is full of water,  after three years of drought it is looking a bit different now.
Tsisab riverbed. Usually at this time of year it is full of water, after three years of drought it is looking a bit different now.

Namibia - Etosha NP

2nd/3rd/4th of May 2019

Immediately after entering the gates of Etosha National Park the wildlife sightings start flooding in. Herds of Springbok, Burchell's Zebra (Equus quagga burchelli), Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetus taurinus), South African Oryx, Impala (Aepyceros melampus) and Ostrich are very common especially at the waterholes. Other species are only slightly less common and still frequently observed such as Southern Giraffes, Reebok (Raphicerus campestris), Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), Red hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus), Common Warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) and African Savanna Elephant. We had amazing sightings of Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) at dusk at the waterhole and even at night together with a herd of Elephants. Predatory animals we also found, sadly not the much hoped for Honey Badger or Cheetah but it is hard to complain when you spot a Leopard (Panthera pardus) resting in the shade, or a pride of Lions (Panthera leo) munching on a Rhino carcass or playfully stalking an Elephant. At night we got Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) close to the camp and several cheeky Mohol Bushbabies (Galago moholi) in the trees. Smaller mammals such as Yellow Mongoose (Cynictus penicillata), Banded Mongoose (Mungos mungo) and Ground Squirls (Xerus inaurus) were also seen. Etosha was an amazing place and to see the sheer amount of wildlife in this barren landscape is an otherworldly experience. Every day we drove in a different direction, stopping at each waterhole, smoking cigarettes from the car and marvelling at all the wildlife was a great way to spend the day. Herping was limited however as you are not allowed to leave the car (obviously). We found several Bibron's Tubercled Gecko, a single Speckled Thick-toed Gecko (Pachydactylus punctatus), a single Namaqua Sand Lizard (Pedioplanis namaquensis) and a few very shy Marsh Terrapins (Pelomedusa subrufa) in the waterholes. 

5th of May 2019

All good times must come to an end and so our roadtrip through southern Africa. We spent our last night in the fantastic Farmhouse in Outjo with excellent German food. Unfortunately they made a mistake with our booking so all rooms were gone but the friendly owner offered to let us sleep in her house for a lower price. Not a bad deal which we gladly followed up on! The drive to Windhoek was smooth and despite all our expectations we weren't interrogated or searched at all at the airport. After a stopover in Cape Town where we made good use of the Crown Lounge we had another smooth flight back to Schiphol Airport. 


Two massive countries in less than three weeks was of course a crazy plan to begin with. Intended more as a roadtrip than as a herping trip we didn't search as hardcore as we would normally do. Moreover we had a very tight schedule because of time constraints and if there is a little kink in the wheel such as, let's say police stops or car trouble, this already limits the herping time even more. Having said that, I think we turned up a lot of iconic species I was really keen on finding and I am more than happy with having seen Rain Frogs and Namaqua Chameleons.

But all in all herping in this part of the world wasn't the easiest. Fences are lining all roads and most land is private. Some areas close to urban areas aren't safe to go herping at night. Other more natural areas have a gate and close at night, also limiting the searching to daytime hours. And then there is the police in the Northern Cape. These guys don't mess around and gave us a hard time being convinced we were poachers. They found a copy of our schedule for the trip in the car and they knew exactly were we would be for the rest of the trip. Having pre-booked everything there was no way around this and police was waiting for us at several locations. Although they probably have the right intentions it should have been clear to them we were merely photographing and had no interest in collecting. We would have to be either the most retarded poachers on the planet or the luckiest. All the police nonsense really gave the trip a big letdown and made us very paranoid and cautious. Such a shame, as we otherwise really liked both countries and this made us leave with a nasty aftertaste. Our trip definitely had its ups and downs but surely we will be back in both countries as we have so much left to see!


Angola River Frog (Amietia angolensis) calling

Cape River Frog (Amietia fuscigula)

Desert Rain Frog (Breviceps macrops)

Table Mountain Ghost Frog (Heleophryne rosei)

Marbled Rubber Frog (Phrynomantis annectens)

Paradise Toad (Vandijkophrynus robinsoni

Angulate Tortoise (Chersina angulata)

Speckled Padloper (Chersobius signatus) DOR

Marsh Terrapin (Pelomedusa subrufa)

Leopard Tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis)

Marbled Leaf-toed Gecko (Afrogecko porphyreus)

Giant Ground Gecko (Chondrodactylus angulifer)

Bibron's Tubercled Gecko (Chondrodactylus bibronii)

Striped Pygmy Gecko (Goggia incognita)

Austen's Dune Gecko (Pachydactylus austeni)

Haacke's Thick-toed Gecko (Pachydactylus haackei)

Quartz Gecko (Pachydactylus latirostris)

Speckled Thick-toed Gecko (Pachydactylus punctatus)

Web-footed Gecko (Pachydactylus rangei)

Large-scaled Gecko (Pachydactylus scutatus)

Spotted Barking Gecko (Ptenopus garrulus ssp. maculatus)

Common Namib Day Gecko (Rhoptropus afer)

Boulton's Namib Day Gecko (Rhoptropus boultoni)

Southern Rock Agama (Agama atra)

Namib Rock Agama (Agama planiceps)

Western Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodion occidentale)

Cape Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodion pumilum)

Namaqua Chameleon (Chamaeleo namaquensis)

Black Girdled Lizard (Cordylus niger)

Karoo Girdled Lizard (Karusaurus polyzonus)

Augrabies Flat Lizard (Platysaurus broadleyi)

Cape Legless Skink (Acontias meleagris)

Gronovi's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (Scelotes gronovii)

Wedge-snouted Skink (Trachylepis acutilabris)

Cape Skink (Trachylepis capensis)

Western Three-striped Skink (Trachylepis occidentalis)

Western Rock Skink (Trachylepis sulcata)

Variegated Skink (Trachylepis variegata)

Wedge-snouted Desert Lizard (Meroles anchietae)

Knox's Desert Lizards (Meroles knoxii)

Reticulated Desert Lizard (Meroles reticulatus)

Spotted Sand Lizard (Meroles suborbitalis)

Western Sandveld Lizard (Nucras tessellata)

Ocellated Sand Lizard (Pedioplanis lineoocellata)

Namaqua Sand Lizard (Pedioplanis namaquensis)

Black Thread Snake (Leptotyphlops nigricans)

Western Thread Snake (Namibiana occidentalis)

Delalande's Beaked Blind Snake (Rhinotyphlops lalandei)

Herald Snake (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia)

Spotted Harlequin Snake (Homoroselaps lacteus)

Spotted Skaapsteker (Psammophylax rhombeatus)

Horned Adder (Bitis caudalis)

Many-horned Adder (Bitis cornuta) DOR

Namib Dwarf Adder (Bitis peringueyi)


Many thanks to Emanuele Biggi, Andries Ciliers, Felix Hulbert, Luke Kemp, Keir Lynch, Gabriel Martinez, Gary Kyle Nicolau, Thomas Reich and Pierre-Yves Vaucher.